Cranach scholarship


Nina Annabelle Märkl, München
Wiebke Kirchner, Halle


Announcement of the Cranach Scholarships

2020 and 2021

Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553) was appointed to the court of the Elector of Saxony in Wittenberg by Frederick the Wise in 1505. Under the art-loving Elector, Cranach was able to build up a successful painter's workshop which exerted a great attraction on artists from all over Europe. For months or years, painters came to Wittenberg to live and work in the Cranach workshop.

In 1994, the Cranach Foundation set up a studio at the historic site and made it available to artists for a one-month workshop stay, which was accompanied by a scholarship. Visitors to the Cranach-Hof can thus follow the artistic creative process and perhaps find an approach to contemporary art through conversation. The artists also enrich the Youth Art School of the Cranach Foundation with their work. In discussions with children and young people, they can pass on their experience and knowledge.

The Cranach Foundation therefore invites applications for:

Three Cranach scholarships (one scholarship for 2020, two scholarships for 2021) for visual artists, combined with stays of one month each in the former Cranach workshop.

The scholarships include funding of 700.00 euros each. Accommodation and the Cranach Workshop are also provided. The scholarships are announced for the period mid-June to mid-September 2020 or for the same period in 2021.

Applications should include a short biography and information on the artistic career (including catalogues/photos, no images on digital media, but references to own websites etc.). In addition, a stamped return envelope should be enclosed.

The Cranach scholarship is linked to the:

Presence on site for the time supported by the scholarship, combined with the daily opening of the Cranach Workshop.
Willingness to allow visitors to the Cranach Courtyard and children and young people from the Youth Art School access to the workshop and, if necessary, to be available for discussions.
We look forward to receiving your applications!

Applications must be submitted by 30 January 2020.

Contact: Eva Löber, Managing Director, Dr. Marlies Schmidt, Curator

Please send application documents to:
Cranach-Stiftung Wittenberg, Dr. Marlies Schmidt, Markt 4, 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany

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